Links to Domestic Violence Resources and Information
If you're visiting this page from Johannesburg, South Africa, there are many places you can call for help.
- Nisaa Institute for Women's Development offers counselling, support groups and emergency shelter for abused women and their children. If you or someone you know is being abused, or you would like to assist in any way, please telephone (011) 854-5804/5. Emergency a/h (011) 854-6550 code BA 224, or e-mail them at
- POWA (People Opposing Women Abuse) Call POWA help line between 8.30am and 4.30pm weekdays on
642-4345/6 or call our pager service on 650-5050 code 7092, from
5.30pm till 9.00pm during the week and 24 hours on week ends or email them at
- For more information on domestic violence resources on the web in South Africa visit Preventing Violence Against Women
If you're visiting this page from the United States, - Visit the Women's Rural Advocacy Programs (WRAP) site. It's full of resources, links, articles and information. It's a real gem of a site.
- Read a speech made in recognition of the on-going threat and reality of rape, sexual asault and harassment, battering, and murder suffered by
women and children each day around the world at the The Willendorf Pages
If you know of other resources that I should add or have any comments about this page, e-mail me
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